Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Do Women Want???

Really! What DO women want? Isn't this one of the most challenging questions of all time? We thought "what men want" was difficult, but this is even harder.

The epic struggle of mankind to figure out the inner workings of women is ages old. Even Sigmund Freud, the master of modern psychology, died trying to figure out women. It isn't easy.

I had a friend once joke with me that "men mostly want sex, woman want the right to be hypocritical, yet call men on their inconsistencies." Yikes. No wonder men and women have struggles getting along!

One reason why understanding women isn't such an easy thing is because the ways women process thoughts and emotions are drastically different than their male counterparts' ways of processing.

Key difference between men and women: I've reviewed many studies that indicate women use emotion to process thought as their basis for decision making 30% more than men do.* As such, women are also known for being more intuitive than men. This is not exactly true, as men use intuition in different ways, and have different ways of communicating. Nevertheless, men tend to bond through shared activities, whereas women bond through sharing thoughts and feelings.

Now, men, before you freak out, this article isn't about "what men want women to want" but more rather what women actually want from men. I've noticed that a woman will want to tell every little nuance of a story, where their male counterpart might be feeling like, "ok, what's the point?" A man typically seeks a solution to the problem, as if the story was a problem. Or, he's looking for a way to suggest something to help his woman improve, which is based upon competitive thinking (how men relate in conversation is much more competitive). In fact, a woman often is just relating this story to SHARE with him; there isn't anything competitive about it.

So what do women really want from their man?

The top 6 things women want FROM MEN, in order, are:
1. Women want men who exhibit confidence (or power)
2. Women want men with a sense of humor (fun)
3. Women want men with money or the things money can buy (sense of security)
4. Women want men with looks (protection and attraction)
5. Women want men with a bit of "Bad boy" qualities (mysterious and independent/strong)
6. Women want all the other stuff they typically list (varies - sensitive, caring, etc.) i think i know ..what i want...heheheh

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