Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
I wonder why it’s so hard to find that special someone i guess it is because they are the one thing once you have you could never live with out, forever as long as i exist once i find them i will never let go, and i hope they would never let me go….i always dream about him.
I get a really warm feeling when i think about what my life would be like with them, no matter how depressed i feel or upset it makes me feel better.
naturally i am restless and can never be still i hope when i have her in my life i will find my peace = )
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Come Sleep In My Heart
If My Heart Beat Is Disturbing Your Sleep
I Ready To Stop It For You .....
Friday, July 23, 2010
I miss you...Redsox....
Saturday, July 3, 2010
New Project,,hehehehe
Monday, June 28, 2010
I Adore You....
I adore you...I long to hold close to me. I feel such warmth and comfort when I am in your arms. I am relaxed and content when we sit on the couch and talk. My heart is at peacewhen lay on and cudle. My heart quivers when you touch my face and my passion flows when you touch my lips. I get immense pleasure from gently touching your face and feel tremendous yearning and passion when i touch your lips. I long to be near you. I want nothing more than to be close to you.
With a passionate affection....
I mean it.....
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Why every women need to wear a Panty Liners ?
Pantiliner (also pantliner, panty liner or panty shield) is an absorbent piece of material used for feminine hygiene. It is worn in the gusset of a woman's panties. Some uses include: absorbency for daily vaginal discharge, light menstrual flow, tampon backup, spotting, post-intercourse discharge and incontinence.
Pantiliners are related to sanitary napkins in their basic construction - but are usually much thinner and often narrower than pads. As a result they absorb much less liquid than pads - making them ideal for light discharge and everyday cleanliness, but generally unsuitable for menstrual flow or medium to heavy incontinence.
Pantiliners are found in an assortment of sizes, shapes, scents and portability options, ranging from tiny, compact liners to long, protective liners designed for heavy vaginal discharge and light days (light menstrual flow). There are even styles designed to fit with thong underwear.
Disposable pantiliners are made with a sticky adhesive on the back of the pad to hold them in place in the knickers, and some styles have 'wings' which wrap around the knickers, providing additional stability. Some popular brands of disposable pantiliners are Carefree, Always, and Kotex.
Reusable cloth pantiliners come in a variety of sizes, materials, patterns, colors, and absorbencies, and are usually secured to the underwear by wrap-around wings that snap together at the ends. Some popular brands of washable pantiliners are Lunapads and Gladrags. These are made of cotton (often organic), and can be washed and reused for years. See cloth menstrual pad for more information.
Panty Liners daily, clean and hyg. and they're pretty and comfy too. ... Yes i wear everyday for hygiene purpose too ... its been a habit for me to wear panty liner daily especially panty liners with special herbs, that make my vagina feel fresh and smell good.
It's usually recommended that women not wear liners all the time - to do with airflow and having a healthy vagina and all that - but plenty of women do. Depends on how much vaginal discharge she's dealing with (if it's a lot she might want to get her gyn to look into it).
But my opinion, all women should wear everyday...huhuhu...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pedebatan Sebenar Kewujudan Israel
Konflik tersebut juga telah menarik perhatian umum sekali lagi kepada perdebatan berterusan terhadap kesahihan penubuhan dan kewujudan Israel disebalik tuntutan kepada usaha-usaha kearah penyelesain dwi-negara (two-state solution). Perdebatan tertarik di antara penolakkan negara Israel, di mana pandangan tersebut bukan sahaja di luahkan oleh orang Islam, tetapi juga oleh orang Kristian dan sebilangan orang yahudi; dan kesahihan yang datang dari pencipta kolonialnya yang dipaksakan dan dilindungi oleh pemerintah zalim ke atas kaum Muslimin dan kewujudan berkekalan tentera Israel.
Sepanjang 60 tahun kewujudannya sebagai sebuah negara, telah dikaitkan dengan 60 tahun yang penuh dengan pertikaian dan perjuangan. Bagaimanapun, initipati dari perdebatan secara sengaja telah dihilangkan dengan menterjemahkan dan mengalihkan melalui tuduhan palsu bahawa anti-Israel dan/atau anti-Zionis adalah sama dengan anti-Yahudi dan anti-Semitik. Seterusnya, kebanyakan perdebatan dan pendedahan politik telah dialihkan kepada kepalsuan, ketidak-jujuran, penipuan dan kaitan yang tiada kena-mengena ini.
Kita harus mengelakkan diri kita daripada termasuk ke perangkap tersebut dan di salah lebelkan – supaya kita boleh memfokuskan kepada perspektif yang benar samada negara Israel memiliki hak untuk wujud, marilah kita alihkan aral dan duri yang diletakkan untuk melarikan pokok perbincangan: “Pernyataan bahawa sikap anti-Isreal dan anti-Zionis adalah sama dengan anti-Yahudi dan anti-Semitik adalah palsu, tidak-jujur dan mengandungi cubaan secara sengaja untuk mematikan pandangan politik yang sah yang mempertikaikan keabsahan kewujudan negara Israel dan menuntut hak fundamental untuk menentangnya.” .
Sebagai asas kepada perbincangan berkaitan keabsahan negara Israel, ia terkait kepada 4 hujah – Etika, Sejarah, Agama dan Politik.
Di sana tidak terdapat sebarang asas etika kepada keabsahan Israel, kerana ringkasnya adalah tidak beretika dan bermoral untuk mengeluarkan sebuah populasi secara paksa dari tanah air mereka, menukar mereka kepada status pelarian yang hina, kemudian mengancam mereka supaya menerima perampasan haram tanah-tanah mereka. Kita boleh andaikan melalui logik yang salah ini dan beranggapan adalah berektika untuk memaksa penduduk sesuatu kawasan untuk keluar dari tempat tinggal dan tanah mereka yang menjadi milik mereka maka dasar Presiden Mugabe di Zimbabwe yang merampas tanah penduduk kulit putih di sana boleh diterima? Ini juga akan menjadikan perbuatan seseorang yang memasuki ladang milik Bush di Texas, memaksa Bush keluar dan menjadikan ladang tersebut miliknya, kemungkinan hanya meninggalkan untuk Bush sebuah bangsal dan memaksanya untuk menerima penyelesaian ini, menjadikan bangsal tersebut sebagai tempat dia berteduh dan menghalangnya untuk mengambil langkah-langkah yang perlu untuk mendapatkan keseluruhan landangnya semula?
Kami fikir tidak bergitu dan ragu peristiwa di atas boleh diterima sebagai beretika dan bermoral…..malahan ia tidak diamalkan ketika Argentina menuntut hak ke atas Kepulauan Falkland dimana kerajaan British bertindak balas pada April 1982, di bawah kepimpinan Margaret Thatcher, dengan melancarkan penentangan terhadap Argentina dalam Peperangan Falkland untuk memastikan kepulauan tersebut kekal berada di bawah kekuasaannya. Mari kita jadikan perspektifnya bergini – Kepulauan Falkland hanya memiliki populasi seramai 3,000 orang bebanding Palestin yang memiliki populasi seramai 4 juta orang (tidak termasuk mereka yang dihalau ke Jordan dan yang diserapkan ke Israel).
Apa yang tidak beretika bukanlah kedudukan hak bangsa Palestin untuk
Hujah sejarah yang kebiasaannya digunakan selalunya dikaitkan dengan sudut etika. Bagi hujah sejarah, ianya tumbuh dari pandangan bahawa nenek-moyang bangsa Yahudi adalah yang pertama mendiami tanah datar Palestin; oleh itu ini memberi mereka hak terhadap tanah tersebut. Ini juga adalah hujah yang sama, tidakkah demikian, yang digunakan oleh Iraq berhubung Kuwait? Sepatutnya kuasa-kuasa kolonial menyokong Iraq ketika ia memasuki Kuwait pada 1990 berdasarkan tuntutan menurut hujah sejarah oleh pihak Iraq (tambahan pula Saddam merupakan seorang boneka barat), sama sebagaimana ketika mereka menyokong hujah sejarah Zionis terhadap Israel dan memberi laluan kepada Zionis untuk mencapai matlamat ini? Sebaliknya, dikala bangsa Palestin dihalau secara paksa untuk memberi laluan kepada entiti Zionis, masuknya Iraq ke Kuwait menjadi pencetus Perang Teluk. Oleh itu perlu diberi perhatian bahawa hujah sejarah bukan sahaja lemah, yang akan kami ringkaskan selepas ini, tetapi juga dicemari oleh hujah-hujah yang tidak logik. Bagi tujuan memperlengkapkan hujah, jika seseorang menurut logik penhujahan ini, maka contoh-contoh tuntutan berdasarkan hujah sejarah berikut mesti diterima pakai dengan cara yang sama , dengan resolusi, kekuatan dan kesungguhan yang sama untuk mengembalikan tanah kepada penduduk asalnya.
Tanah di Amerika dikembalikan kepada kaum pribumi Indian
Dikala bangsa Eropah mendarat, terdapat lebih kurang 10 juta kaum pribumi Indian mendiami bahagian Amerika keutara yang kini dikenali sebagai Mexico. Adalah dipercayai bahawa kaum Indian yang pertama sampai pada zaman ais yang akhir, kira-kira 20,000 – 30,000 tahun dahulu. Permulaan yang diwarnai oleh sambutan hangat kaum Indian kepada bangsa Eropah akhirnya bertukar menjadi konflik kerana keserakahan kolonial Eropah kepada kekayaan material. Konflik ini membawa kepada Peperangan Indian (Indian Wars), Akta Penyingkiran Kaum Indian (the Indian Removal Act) dan akta-akta yang lain sampai ke kemuncaknya dalam peperangan besar yang terakhir, dimana terkorbannya para pahlawan, wanita dan kanak-kanak Indian pada 1890 di Wounded Knee, Dakota Selatan. Dari fasa dasar kejam penyerapan (assimilation) paksa yang berlangsung sehingga 1960’an, kecuali tanah simpanan Indian sebagai tanda pengiktirafan, kaum pribumi Indian sehingga sekarang masih lagi dihalang untuk mendapatkan semula hak ke atas tanah nenek moyang mereka.
Tanah di Australia dikembalikan semula kepada kaum pribumi (Aborigines) Dari tahun 1788, apabila orang British secara resminya mendarat, sehingga sekarang tekanaan (ketenteraan atau sebagainya) telah digunakan untuk melucutkan hak kaum pribumi dari tanah-tanah mereka.Kaum pribumi telah melakukan penentangan untuk melindungi tanah-tanah mereka tetapi pihak British telah mengisytiharkan benua tersebut sebagai terra nullius – iaitu tanah yang tidak berpenghuni dan tidak dimiliki oleh sesiapa pun ketika mereka mendudukinya. Selama lebih dari 200 tahun penipuan terra nullius menjadi topeng yang kejam kepada pembunuhan beramai-ramai, kepada keengganan untuk mengiktiraf kaum pribumi sebagai manusia, kepada pemisahan paksa kanak-kanak dari keluarga mereka, kepada exploitasi yang tidak manusiawi tenaga buruh kaum pribumi, kepada layanan yang bersifat perkauman dan apartheid yang diterima oleh kaum pribumi. Terra Nullius juga merupakan justifikasi yang digunakan untuk menafikan hak ke atas tanah. Walaupun Mahkamah Tinggi Australia mengiktiraf konsep Taraf Pribumi, menyatakan ia telah wujud sebelum pendudukan dan telah berterusan setelah masa kolonial. Bagaimana pun, mahkamah tersebut memutuskan dengan resminya bahawa Taraf Pribumi akan hilang apabila sebidang tanah itu dijual atau dikecualikan untuk tujuan tertentu. Selepas dari itu hanya sedikit perubahan yang dilakukan.
Apa yang telah kita lihat secara jelas dari dua contoh di atas ialah polisi yang bersifat diskriminasi yang mengandungi kebencian, penafian hak untuk kembali ke tanah tumpah darah dan kekerasan politik ke atas mereka yang memiliki hak berdasarkan kepada sejarah. Oleh itu, memiliki hak sejarah tidak membawa apa-apa nilai tidak juga membawa apa-apa erti untuk dijadikan sebagai asas kepada tuntutan. Jadi mengapa Israel mendapat pengecualian? Jelas sekali hujah sejarah telah digunakan secara salah dan terpilih – ini adalah amalan biasa dari sebuah masyarakat antarabangsa yang menjadi tawanan kepada muslihat politik dan dibangunkan di atas ideologi syaitan kapitalisme yang hanya menjaga kepentingan para kapitalis semata-mata.
Apakah yang masih tinggal pada tuntutan Zionis berdasarkan bukti sejarah ini, selain dari tidak bermakna dan tidak berkaiatan? Melihat secara ringkas kepada sejarah Palestin mendedahkan dua perkara yang menarik. Pertama, sejarah tersebut masih lagi diperselisihkan, oleh itu tiada bukti sahih terhadap tuntutan Zionis itu. Kedua, kebanyakan dari ahli sejarah menyimpulkan bahawa kaum Kanaan adalah penduduk awal Palestin (alaf ke3 sebelum masihi). Mesir adalah kuasa luar yang pertama yang menakluki wilayah tersebut (alaf ke3 sebelum masihi). Pada alaf ke2 sebelum masihi penguasaan Mesir dan autonomi kaum Kanaan telah dicabar oleh sebilangan penceroboh – dan hanya selepas itu barulah bangsa Israel muncul (suku Semitik dari Mesopotamia). Oleh itu, tuntutan Zionis berdasarkan bukti sejarah ini pun setidak-tidaknya masih lagi tidak dapat dibuktikan kesahihannya, jika pun bukan ia sebuah sejarah yang diada-adakan.
Secara politik (berdasarkan ajaran agama), Palestin tidak memiliki sebarang kepentingan bagi Yahudi – kerana seperti Kristian, Judaisme (agama Yahudi) tidak memiliki dan tidak juga secara jelas mengariskan sebuah struktur politik, institusi atau proses pengurusan antara negara dan masyarakat.
Bagaimanapun, secara jelas Judaisme telah dirampas oleh pergerakkan Zionis, yang telah mengambil prinsip-prinsip dan ideal-ideal Judaisme dan mengabungkannya dengan agenda politik kapitalis dan kejam yang mengimpikan “Israel raya” – sedangkan menurut Taurat, orang Yahudi diharamkan untuk memiliki negara dan kedaulatan politik semasa menantikan ketibaan zaman messiah. Sampai kesaat ini, hujah dan justifikasi agama adalah batil dan ia dinyatakan oleh Yahudi sendiri.
Sebilangan kaum Yahudi orthodox, seperti Neturei Karta, menyatakan keenganan untuk, “…..mengiktiraf hak seseorang untuk mendirikan sebuah negara Yahudi sewaktu masa pengasingan (exile) sekarang ini.” Mereka menentang, “……apa yang dipanggil “Negara Israel” bukan kerana ia ditadbir secara sekular, tetapi keseluruhan konsep negara Yahudi yang berdaulat itu bercanggah dengan syariat Yahudi.”
Dengan menyebutkan apa yang terdapat dalam Talmud, Yuhudi orthodox merujuk kepada Tractate Kesubos (ms. 111a), yang menyebutkan bahawa ia mengajar Yahudi supaya tidak menggunakan kekuatan manusia untuk membawa kepada berdirinya sebuah negara Yahudi sebelum tibanya Moshiach (seorang messiah dari bani Daud) yang diterima oleh semua penduduk dunia.
Mereka yang sealiran dengan Neturei Karta seterusnya bermatlamat untuk menjauhkan Judisme dari Zionisme dengan menyatakan, “ Yahudi yang sebenar akan terus mempercayai kepercayaan-kepercayaan Yahudi dan tidak akan tercemar dengan fahaman Zionisme.” Tidak seperti mereka, “menggunakan cara yang sistematik untuk menghapuskan masyarakat Yahudi lama oleh Zionis, menumpahkan darah Yahudi dan bukan Yahudi untuk kedaulatan Zionis,” dan bahawa, “Dunia seharusnya sedar bahawa Zionis secara haram telah merampas nama Israel dan tidak memiliki hak untuk berbicara atas nama masyarakat Yahudi!”
Oleh itu, dapatlah secara pasti disimpulkan bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang asas agama bagi kewujudan negara Israel. Kami membayangkan samada Yahudi orthodox yang menyokong pandangan ini akan disiksa, dibicarakan dan dipenjarakan oleh pemerintah barat kerana membawa pandangan seperti itu dan dilebelkan sebagai “anti-Semitik” atau dipenjarakan kerana memiliki pandangan “terroris” terhadap kemusnahan Israel? Kami tidak fikirkan ini akan berlaku, kerana mereka seperti Neturei Karta telah melakukan demonstrasi di merata tempat sepanjang tahun, termasuk New York dan London – dengan sepanduk, yang jika dipegang oleh seorang Muslim – dia dengan pantas akan ditahan dan dibicarakan di bawah undang-undang diskriminasi kaum/agama atau sebarang undang-undang “anti-terroris”.
Perkembangan Palestin di dalam sejarah politik kontemporari memiliki tiga fasa yang berbeza, di mana: pertama, di bawah pemerintahan Islam; kedua, di bawah mandat British oleh Liga Bangsa-Bangsa dari tahun 1922; dan akhirnya di bawah pemerintahan Israel. Tanpa ada sebarang keraguan lagi, hanya di bawah pemerintahan Islam sahaja rakyat (Muslim, Yahudi dan Kristian) menikmati taraf keselamatan, kestabilan dan keselesaan yang tinggi. Telah dicatitkan, oleh ahli sejarah bukan Islam, bahawa kaum Yahudi telah meminta perlindungan di bawah kekuasaan Islam, iaitu Khilafah, dari pembunuhan di Eropah, terutama ketika Inquisisi Sepanyol yang masyhur itu pada tahun 1492.
Bagi pemerintahan British, dalam tahun 1922, Palestin telah diletakan, oleh Liga Bangsa-Bangsa, di bawah mandat British sehingga tahun 1948, apabila negara Israel ditubuhkan. Ketika mandat ini, rakyat terutama Arab telah menderita di tangan dasar yang bersifat disriminasi dari undang-undang yang diwujudkan untuk membantu immigrasi kaum Yahudi ke Palestin dan pengambilan tanah oleh Yahudi. Ketika itu, penduduk tempatan Arab (Muslim dan Kristian), berasa amat kecewa bahawa mereka secara pelahan-lahan telah ditengelami oleh pendatang asing di negeri mereka sendiri, telah bangkit lebih dari sekali untuk memberontak menentang dasar immigrasi kerajaan British.
Bagi pemerintahan Israel sejak tahun 1948, tidak perlu untuk diperkatakan lagi berkenaan ciri negara tersebut yang bersifat aparthied, kejam, diskriminasi dan perkauman – samaada bagi penduduk Arab Muslim mahupun Kristian (di Israel ataupun di kem-kem pelarian Palestin) dan juga terhadap kaum Yahudi sendiri yang berasal dari Asia dan Afrika. Terdapat beberapa dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh Amnesty Antarabangsa dan Pemerhati Hak Asasi Manusia yang memperkuatkan lagi apa yang telah disaksikan oleh dunia selama 60 tahun kekejaman yang tidak memperkirakan nyawa manusia dan diskriminasi yang tidak bermaruah, yang menyebabkan ketegangan yang berterusan bagi keseluruhan wilayah tersebut. Oleh itu, secara politik, Israel tidak akan menyediakan asas bagi kestabilan di wilayah tersebut, kerana ia membawa flasafah perkauman, agenda politik Zionis dan terpaksa menanggung penentangan dari mereka yang telah disingkirkan secara paksa dari tanah air mereka dan akan terus berusaha untuk pembebasan mutlak Palestin dari penguasaan Zionis dan penjajah.
Kesimpulannya, keabsahan Israel telah dibangunkan di atas penipuan, ketidak jujuran dan kemunafikan. Secara realitinya ia tidak memiliki keabsahan dan tuntutan berdasarkan hujah etika, sejarah, agama dan politik adalah palsu dan merupakan satu penyelewengan. Penduduk Palestin yang dijajah memiliki hak yang sah untuk menentang dan berjuang bagi memperolehi pembebasan mutlak bagi Palestin. Ini adalah hak bagi rakyat Palestin; hak yang diperolehi berdasarkan alasan etika, sejarah, agama dan politik – tidak seperti alasan yang batil sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh pihak Israel.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Credit to Haim (a friend of mine, he wrote this article)
If you're like most women, you sometimes wish for a guide map to love tactics. Impossible to live with or without, men are often almost incomprehensible to women, particularly when it comes to relationships. We are often told that chivalry is dead and that love and romance are nothing but pipe dreams. On the other hand, we hear that some men are incapable of dealing with strong modern women and that they wish we would simply go back to being helpless and dependent. These conflicting messages make it difficult to determine which love tactics might actually work.
Compounding this confusion is the fact that dating in the modern world is anything but cut and dried. At one time, it was expected that couples were simply dating or not dating. Relationships followed a linear path from one date to many dates to “dating.” Dating implied exclusivity and monogamy. Now we toss around terms like “hooking up” and “friends with benefits” and earnestly discuss the benefits of polygamy.
In this type of confused environment, it is easy to wonder how anyone ever manages to create a successful relationship. Rather than love tactics, you may start to feel like you need a road map. These feelings of frustration are quite normal and understandable. It is impossible to guarantee that any particular relationship will work out in the way that you want. Nonetheless, following these tried and true guidelines will give you the best chance for turning a new relationship into the one you want.
1. Maintain your independence. This all-important love tactic cannot be stressed enough.
Early in a relationship, your hormones and biochemical responses will go crazy. No matter how smart and independent you normally are, this physiological mechanism will compel you to begin spending all of your time with your new love. You will think about him constantly and feel the urge to withdraw from everything else in your life in order to focus on him.
While these feelings are normal and primal, acting on them is not smart. Men are hard-wired differently than women, and your drawing too close too soon may make him feel trapped. You do not want to jeopardize the relationship by appearing clingy or dependent.
Force yourself to continue your normal activities, including spending time with your friends, going to the gym, or whatever you did before you met him.
2. Make him feel important. Although at first glance, this tactic may seem to be the polar opposite of the first, it highlights the necessity of maintaining a balancing act. While no man wants you to appear needy or desperate, no man wants to feel that he doesn't matter at all. You can accomplish this second love tactic without jeopardizing the first.
When you are with him, turn off your cell phone. Be on time for dates. Return his calls within a reasonable amount of time. Remember things that you talked about on one date and ask follow-up questions on the next date.
Following a few simple courtesies will allow you to express his importance in your life.
3. Be intriguing. He would not have asked you out in the first place if he didn't find you fascinating.
Yet a woman’s instinct is often to share too much too soon. It 's normal to want to bring a new love into your confidence. However, if the relationship becomes long term, you will have the rest of your life to deal with the not-so-sexy realities of life.
In the beginning, maintain a certain aura of mystery by not telling him every little thing about you and your daily life. Don't lie, of course, but don't give in to the urge to bare your soul about anything and everything.
4. Take care of yourself. As a relationship progresses, it's normal for nights out on the town to give way to nights in front of the television with a pizza or Chinese takeout. However, during the early phase of a relationship, it's important not to treat a night in with your man as you would a night in with the girls.
Save the sweatpants and T-shirt look for later. Be sure that you are showered, made up and dressed for your nights in just as you are for your nights out.
5. Take your time with physical intimacy. Remember the “bases” in middle school? There is a reason those bases were carefully defined.
Letting the physical side of your relationship develop gradually over time accomplishes a number of goals. It allows you to focus on getting to know each other in nonsexual ways. It allows you to build trust before intimacy. It also allows the two of you to get to know each other’s bodies slowly.
6. Discuss your individual futures. A discussion about your futures shouldn't be a relationship discussion. Rather, take the time to learn what each of you truly wants as an individual.
Too often, we begin relationships that are doomed to fail simply because each partner wants something very different out of life. This can lead to resentment and bitterness as compromises are forced. If you both know what each partner wants from the beginning, you have a much better chance of developing a relationship that truly works with both partners’ life goals.
7. Don't make assumptions. Never assume that the relationship is exclusive unless it has been directly stated. Do not assume without asking that your partner will be available to escort you to an event. Do not drop in on him at work or stop by his house without asking in advance.
Even if he gives you a key to his place, at the beginning it is polite to let him know that you plan to come by. Doing otherwise is rude and sends the signal that you are unconcerned about his plans.
8. Get to know him. So often, we are too busy making sure we are witty and beautiful and interesting that we forget that our partner is also a complex human being. You don’t have to memorize a list, but become familiar with his likes and dislikes, his moods and his fears.
Knowing your partner as a whole complicated individual will allow you to deal with his downside from a place of understanding. This will shine through the entire relationship.
9. Suggest creative and action-oriented dates. While you don’t want to move from girlfriend material to activity partner, many men are used to being active and have trouble spending hours just sitting and talking.
Create bonding opportunities by teaching him to dance or having him teach you rock climbing. Whatever the specific activities are, those shared moments will draw the two of you closer together.
10. Be yourself. This is the most important love tactic of all. You will not be able to hold up an illusion forever, so eventually you will have to come clean. Down the road, if you have made him fall in love with an illusion, he will be understandably angry and disappointed.
Let him know who you are from the beginning and never apologize for being yourself. He will respect you much more for being honest.
Obviously, there is no guarantee that these love tactics will work in every situation. Sometimes a guy simply is not interested in you. In those cases, you should be able to gracefully withdraw and move on. If the initial interest is there, however, then following the above listed love tactics will help you take the relationship to the next level.
How Seductive Are You?When you watched Angelina Jolie's fiery bedroom moves in "Original Sin," did you start taking notes or did you blush and press fast forward? find out whether your seduction skills would make Cassanova proud or if your feminine wiles
Monday, May 31, 2010
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
My New Look and NEW ..............
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Happy couples don’t just have sex – they have ‘make up sex’, comfort sex”: even ‘get-to-sleep sex’..And they’re all vital in their own way.
The one thing all physically compatible couples share is a strong sexual connection. This is evident in their overall approach to sex- be it a favorite bedroom activity or their shared erotic fantasies. Here are some common sexual themes in couples. What’s yours?
There’s nothing like lying next to the man you’ve known and loved for a long time, thinking, 'wow, we have never done that before’. Sex is a bit like chocolate ice cream; it’s great the first time you eat it, but if you eat it every day, you’ll have to be a bit creative to keep it satisfying,’ says consultant psychiatrist Dr. Adrian Wang.
While it may not be possible to have passionate to try and keep things exciting. This is possible if a couple is willing to explore and push each other’s sexual boundaries. ‘Being creative in the bedroom means you’re doing things to keep your partner happy – and that, in itself, is an expression of love ‘, adds Dr Wang. ‘So if you’re only used certain positions, try a new one: if you’re used to stimulation by body parts alone, experiment with other items, for instance a feather. Communication is the key. You need to tell your partner what you need and what turns you on’
Plan for good sex; it may mean taking off together on a weekend or even buying new underwear – little things you know will put you in the right mood. Pushing your boundaries will also build trust between you two.
That’s where maintenance sex comes in. ‘sex is the one activity a couple has that excludes all other people, ‘explains Dr Clayton. ‘It keeps your bond unique and strong.’
By making a habit of it, you’re building opportunities for that connection in your lives. Take Michelle, 33, a mother of two toddlers. ‘My husband is always happy to have sex, but as a new mother, I’m tired all the time. But when I make the effort, I seem much closer to my husband afterwards.’ And let’s not forget how regular sex helps your health - it relieves stress, burns calories about boosts your mood.
It’s bound to happen: one of you suddenly get a cramp in your leg – and shriek in pain! As embarrassing as this may be, it’s a good reminder that sex is a raw act. It’s not meant to be flawless.
Your ability to deal with a red-in-the-face moment – whether you laugh if off or give each other a sympathetic squeeze – says a lot about the strength of your bond. So don’t worry!!
Ah, the turn-on effect of the sun, sand and sea. If your love life is getting jaded, it’s often your surroundings that are getting stale, not your partner. As you’re at your most relaxed on holidays, you tend to try most relaxed on holidays, you tend to try new things, such as having sex on an empty beach, or, like Lin, have what feels like sex in public.
It’s been said you shouldn’t go to bed angry. Sometimes, you can take that further – by going to bed happy after a quarrel,’ says Dr Clayton.
But, be warned: ‘some couples pick fights just to make up, ‘says Dr Clayton. Others ignore their real problems and have sex instead. If the only time you’re getting along is in bed, you need to face your issues with your clothes on first.
It’s the journey that really matters in life, not the destination. That is true for sex too. Every sexual experience should not be merely focused on achieving an orgasm.
In fact, this type of ‘cuddle sex’ is good for bonding. ‘Sex isn’t all about ‘finishing off’. It’s getting to the finishing line that’s important. Kissing and holding each other are important elements. Couples can give each other pleasure doing these things – even if it tires them out to the point of being too sleepy to finish off, ‘says Dr Wang.
If you’re feeling sad, depressed or lonely, sex can be the perfect antidote because it’s the opposite of all those things- it’s about being warm, close loving and alive. Says Yvonne, 39, ‘last year my mother-in-law had Parkison’s disease; my father had major heart surgery and my mother developed Alzheimer’s. My husband and I spent a lot of time in bed comforting each other. For us, it was important. It makes you remember why you’re living.
‘Grief can drive a wedge between couples, ‘says Dr Clayton, nothing that partners sometimes blame themselves or each other, during a loss. ‘But sex can help restore the intimate relationship you have. Instead of letting grief pull you apart, use it to pull you closer.’
You know the kind- wild, sweetly, dizzy sex. Dr Wang reckons that if you’re having it years into marriage, ‘you still can connect physically and emotionally and that itself is reaffirming to a couple.’And if you’re keen to have a baby, the mote sex, the merrier- so it doesn’t matter how long or how often you do the deed. Says Dr Andrew Kan, a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist: ‘trying out different varieties of sex also enables the couple not to think of it as a chore.’
And finally, let’s not forget how sensuous love-making keeps your eyes sparkling, your body gummy and your soul smiling – so enjoy!!
Article from The Malaysia Women’s Weekly
August 2009..
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Make Him Fall in Love - Where to Begin
Where is the best place to start if a woman is hoping to make a man fall in love? What does she need to know if she wants to be the one that makes him fall head over heels? How does she get through to him and make him realize that she is the perfect woman for him? If you want to know how to make a man fall in love, follow along with us.
Women need to understand that men often have a difficult time distinguishing between lust and love. Lust is the first emotion that men feel when they meet a new woman and it can be quite consuming. It is easy for a man to experience lust; it just happens because of desire and he does not have to put forth any effort to keep it moving along. It is powerful, and a man might believe that he is falling in love when, in reality, he is only falling for the pull of his physical desires.
However, if you are a woman that is hoping to make a man fall in love, you will have to connect with him on a much deeper level. You can never build a deep, long-lasting love if your bond is purely physical. This provides no foundation, and the emotional bond that is vital to establishing true love can never materialize.
If you really want to win this man's heart, wait for a while before you begin having sex. Give your relationship the best chance to succeed by focusing on your emotional connection first. Friendship, compassion, encouragement, and support are all necessary ingredients in all great relationships and your efforts must be placed in these areas. These provide the strength for the relationship and will be the substance that guides it through all the good and the bad times.
Sex too early on will prevent emotional bonding. It is as simple as that. Make your man fall in love with your personality and your charm, and then allow physical intimacy to enhance an already wonderful connection. This is the way to win true love.
Dinner with MULTI-linguist and television personality.
* Dato' Mahadzir Lokman, managing director of Dale Lokman Associates has a Masters degree in Business Administration from University of Ohio, USA. He joined private television station, TV3, in 1984 as presenter for English and Malay news. *
I met him during the Miss Tourism International event in Sunway Hotel. After the event we have talked at hotel lobby.. I'm so impress with his personality, very humble and talkative.. And he did share a lot of tips and knowledge to me escpecially for emceeing .. since I doing the emceeing job too, so this is good chance for me..
why him? Because he is THE BEST in the industry..
How to Know is HE Loves YOU ??
1 . A very obvious one when he takes interests in your matters like work schedule, it means he is really concerned with you and loves you.
2. Whenever a guy keeps a track on your habits, remembers whatever you do and say simply indicates his love for you.
3. When a guy wants to spend more time with you, dates out with you at places of your choice and share the your favorite pastimes then he is madly in love with you.
4. If he gives more importance to his friends even if you are sick or in need of him shows his lack of interest in you.
5. Changing of topic when you discuss about your future with him is not a good sign of a healthy relationship with your love.
6. If he doesn't want to spend time with you or don't ever want to go out with you in public and never introduces you to his friends mean he does not love you.
7. When he calls you or message you just to chitchat with you means he deeply loves you and was finding any reason to talk to you.
8. If he is really concerned about you and loves you then he would always take out time from his busy schedule.
9. When he keeps looking you when you are around and suddenly takes off his eyes when you look at him shows he's in love with you.
10. When he praises about you to his friends, family and others means he truly loves you.
11. His every action will make you believe he loves you.
12. If he changes his plans or cancels them last minute then he is surely avoiding you.
13. If he is trying to be friendly with you and tries to make an effort to know more about you shows signs of love for you.
You can make out from a person's eyes. The person in love with you has special shine in his eyes when he's talking to you.
Friday, May 14, 2010
P.S I Love You....
And of course for the movie more lovely because of Gerard Butler..awesome..
P.S : yeah yeah ... i know..i know... i'm late ..but wht can i do..only this year i gt mood to read this book...hhehehe whatever...
Monday, May 10, 2010
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . That will bring on a 'whatever').
(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying F-- YOU!
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
** So to all men, I warn you about arguments, you can avoid if you remember the terminology.
P/s : Allow me to laugh..hahahhahah kuang kuang kuang..heheh
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I wish I can do Painting like Leonardo Da Vinci ..
P/s : I can't be like Leonardo Da Vinci, I want create my own History and it MUST be for achieving something ....for my future generations..
History of Juninah Md Ishak..hehehe
Monday, April 26, 2010
Penang Trip
Friday, April 23, 2010
Just One Last Dance
Another my fav singer...Sarah Connor is a German singer and songwriter. Enjoy this song...
A Fairy Song
Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon's sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours;
In those freckles live their savours;
I must go seek some dewdrops here,
And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.
I’ve got good friends but even when I am laughing with them or messing around I still feel lonely. I feel so lonely and I have nobody to talk to. And if I do have somebody to talk to they start to yell at me or they just ignore me. I don't know why I feel this way. And I didn't get hurt over a crush. So what is wrong with me. I don't even know. And I guess I better get use to that. Because in the real world I can't force people to talk to me. And right now I don't do that, it is just I feel very very sad.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
It's Not Goodbye - Sweet November MV
Original singer is Laura Pausini. Talented singer-songwriter from Italy..
And what if I never kiss your lips again
Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace
How would I ever go on
Without you there's no place to belong
Well someday love is gonna lead you back to me
But 'til it does I'll have an empty heart
So I'll just have to believe
Somewhere out there you thinking of me
Until the day I'll let you go
Until we say our next hello
It's not goodbye
'Til I see you again
I'll be right here rememberin' when
And if time is on our side
There will be no tears to cry
On down the road
There is one thing I can't deny
It's not goodbye
You'd think I'd be strong enough to make it through
And rise above when the rain falls down
But it's so hard to be strong
When you've been missin' somebody so long
It's just a matter of time I'm sure
But time takes time and I can't hold on
So won't you try as hard as you can
To put my broken heart together again
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
What i had for lunch today.....
For lunch I had Chicken Rice and Iced Milo (supposely Hot Tea) . The Rice so Salty and for the soup a lot of MSG..
Chicken rice is a simple and yet very delicious meal that everyone loves, so do i..
Why Chicken Rice SO GOOD .....
1. It's healthy... really? It has protein, carbohydrates, vegetables and oil.
2. It's finger licking good... even better than KFC.
3. Rice is fluffy, fragrant and leaves you hungry for more... delicious morsels
that lingers in your mouth long after...
4. Chicken. Tender and succulent. Fatty skin can only be a bonus - fragrance and
yumminess times ten!
Location. Available in whole over Malaysia...
So lets go for Chicken Rice....
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
What In My Heart Now....
Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...
I will always pray To Allah S.W.T ...AMIN..
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Phoenix and the Turtle
Let the bird of loudest lay
On the sole Arabian tree,
Herald sad and trumpet be,
To whose sound chaste wings obey.
But thou shrieking harbinger,
Foul precurrer of the fiend,
Augur of the fever's end,
To this troop come thou not near.
From this session interdict
Every fowl of tyrant wing
Save the eagle, feather'd king:
Keep the obsequy so strict.
Let the priest in surplice white
That defunctive music can,
Be the death-divining swan,
Lest the requiem lack his right.
And thou, treble-dated crow,
That thy sable gender mak'st
With the breath thou giv'st and tak'st,
'Mongst our mourners shalt thou go.
Here the anthem doth commence:?br>Love and constancy is dead;
Phoenix and the turtle fled
In a mutual flame from hence.
So they loved, as love in twain
Had the essence but in one;
Two distincts, division none;
Number there in love was slain.
Hearts remote, yet not asunder;
Distance, and no space was seen
'Twixt the turtle and his queen:
But in them it were a wonder.
So between them love did shine,
That the turtle saw his right
Flaming in the phoenix' sight;
Either was the other's mine.
Property was thus appall'd,
That the self was not the same;
Single nature's double name
Neither two nor one was call'd.
Reason, in itself confounded,
Saw division grow together;
To themselves yet either neither;
Simple were so well compounded,
That it cried, 'How true a twain
Seemeth this concordant one!
Love hath reason, reason none
If what parts can so remain.'
Whereupon it made this threne
To the phoenix and the dove,
Co-supremes and stars of love,
As chorus to their tragic scene.
BEAUTY, truth, and rarity,
Grace in all simplicity,
Here enclosed in cinders lie.
Death is now the phoenix' nest;
And the turtle's loyal breast
To eternity doth rest,
Leaving no posterity:
'Twas not their infirmity,
It was married chastity.
Truth may seem, but cannot be;
Beauty brag, but 'tis not she;
Truth and beauty buried be.
To this urn let those repair
That are either true or fair;
For these dead birds sigh a prayer.
blank... mind is totally blank!
i dont understand how my mind works.. i was a different person before.. always lively!
now i feel things have changed.. i am more of a lazy person than the cheerful person of those years.
is it age? the times of 2010? or the people around me? or my busy work schedule?
i have no answer!
but i am not happy with these changes.. its making me sick day by day!
i just feel like running to a far away country and take rest for a long time..